Best Home Care Products Making Course in Delhi | Craft Tree Academy

Course Details

Minimum no. of people : 1

USP of the product : Herbal , Commercial and 100% Pure

Education required : None

Age & Gender : Anyone can do this course

Convertible into Business : Yes

Scalable & Profitable : Yes


Acquainting yourself with cosmetic grade colors

Introduction to skin safe fragrances

Introduction to fragrances and colors that don’t change the texture of your poducts

Difference between cosmetic colors and food colors

Knowledge about herbal ingredients

Using of equipment

Awareness about commercial machines

Knowledge about how to change your recipes

Know how of the ingredients used in home care products

Precautions while making your home care products

How to correct your recipes if you have not followed your recipe properly

How to change your recipes

Prelude to producing your products in bulk

Home Care Products Making Course

Best Home Care Products Making Course in Delhi | Craft Tree Academy

The Indian home care products industry has expanded as a result of improved health and hygiene awareness, as well as a significant rise in per capita disposable income. A large part of that is due to extensive ad programmes and the introduction of new product categories. Several FMCG giants have joined the homecare market, offering a diverse range of products. A small-scale industry market has a lot of promise. At Craft Tree Academy, we have in-depth knowledge of all of the ingredients needed to make a variety of home care items. Our instructors will not only provide you with commercial recipes, but they will also advise you on how to minimize the number of chemicals used if necessary.


  1. Floor Cleaner / Phenyl Making Fees: 3500/- Duration: 1 Day /
  2. Colin Making Fees: 3000/- Duration: 1 DAY / 3 HOURS 
  3. Liquid Detergent for Baby Clothes Making: Fees 3,999/- Duration: 1 Day /
  4. Dish Washer Making: 3500/- Fees / Duration: 1 DAY / 3 HOUR
  5. Detergent Making: Low-quality Powder, Value-package Powder, Premium-quality Powder Fees: 4500/- Duration: 1 day / 3 hours
  6. Liquid Detergent Making: Fees: 3500/- Duration: 1 day / 3 hours
  7. Toilet Cleaner Manufacturing Fees: 3500/- Duration: 1 DAY / 3 HOUR